Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jetstream stays south of Ireland and UK next week

The Jetstream which is normally positioned over Ireland bringing us milder westerlies and showers or bands of rain, will be pushed as far south as North Africa next week (see image).

With the exception of the warmer temperatures, places like Algeria and Morocco will be seeing more wind and rain that they are used to.

At home, it will stay cold (not quite as cold as the past week) and mainly dry in Ireland and Britain for the foreseeable future. Severe nighttime frosts will continue and daytime temperatures will be between 4-8c at best next week as winds shift back to an easterly direction. The airmass over Europe will not be as cold however, and it will feel warmer as the sun is now much higher in the sky.

See our long range forecast for more on the coming week's weather.

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TMT article written by Mark Dunphy