Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring on hold as cold weather digs in

After our all too brief mild spell last week, it looks increasingly likely that the current cold snap will continue right through this coming weekend and into the early days of next week at least, as Polar sourced wind continue to stream down over Ireland from the variable north.

The reasoning behind this cold spell of weather is that high pressure, which normally resides to the SW of Ireland, (see attached pic) is continuing to build much further north than normal.  This has the effect of ‘blocking’ out our more normal run of milder south westerlies by diverting them much further south than usual (as 2nd diagram chart in the below image shows).
Click to enlarge. Image © The Meteo Times
This in turn keeps low pressure systems, which normally run to the north of Ireland, running further south than normal which in turn help to draw down colder air streams from Polar Regions right down over Ireland. The setup will also bring unsettled weather to northern Portugal, Spain and the Bay of Biscay Region.

Unfortunately, this pattern does not look like breaking over the next 5 to 7 days at least and if that isn’t enough, there are tentative signals that it may get even colder later this weekend. However, this is a long way off yet but we will keep you updated on a daily basis here on TMT.

The Meteo Times in today's Irish Independent

This mornings outlook from Met Éireann. Listen below.
The Meteo Times daily long range weather forecast contains further details in relation to the coming week’s weather in Ireland. Click here to view.

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Ireland and Britain as seen from space at 1pm today. Image NASA-MODIS