As we have been saying for the past few weeks, we expect temperatures to trail off towards the end of the month. At this point however, we do not expect any significant wintry weather for at least the next two weeks.
Recent days have seen temperatures rise above average for the time of year (14.2 at Phoenix Park and 14c at Shannon yesterday) but temperatures will drop back to seasonal levels over the next few days. In fact, temperatures will drop down to 4-8c in most places tonight (perhaps a few degrees lower in the northwest). Conditions during recent nights have been a good deal milder. Daytime temperatures will dip into single figures during Friday and the weekend before recovering slightly next week.
Next week will bring a continuation of the present wet and times windy conditions (see our long range forecast for more). The UKMO image featured in this post shows a system that will be tracking close to the west and north coast late on Sunday and during Monday bringing strong winds and rain. Next week, temperatures will be slightly lower than average for the time of year.
Towards the final days of November, we expect “cooler” and “drier” than average conditions to extend from Europe, particularly to eastern parts of Ireland and much of Britain. It could remain a shade milder and at times unsettled in western parts.
Overall, and as we have mentioned previously, we expect overall temperatures for November to finish below the 1981-2010 average of 7.3 C. This follows a colder than average September and October.
We will, as ever, keep you posted.
TEXT: Mark Dunphy (TMT)
IMAGE: Patrick Gordon (TMT) / UKMO